Celebrating Florence’s Feast Day at the Uffizi

June 24 is the feast day for Florence’s patron saint, St. John the Baptist, and this year it falls on a Monday, day the the Uffizi is generally closed. But thanks to a special project financed by the Ministry of Italy’s Cultural Patrimony, the Uffizi will have a special opening on June 24, open all day from 8:15 to 6:50pm.
Thanks to this project, several other Italian state museums in Florence will also be open on June 24. These are:
– the Medici Chapels
– the Last Supper by Ghirlandaio at Ognissanti
– the Palazzo Davanzati
– the Church and Museum of Orsanmichele
– the Medici Villas at: Poggio a Caiano, La Petraia, the garden of the Medici villa of Castello, and the villa at Cerreto Guidi.
Thanks to the work of volunteers from the Friends of Florentine Museums, the church and museum of Orsanmichele for the special occasion will remain open longer until 9pm.