Six New “Yellow” Halls Open at the Uffizi

As the New Uffizi project moves forward, we are happy to share with you the official opening of 6 new halls today which are dedicated to Florentine artists from the 17th century.
After the opening of the 10 “Blue Rooms” dedicated to foreign artists in December 2011, the nine “Red Rooms” in June 2012 and six rooms in June 2013 dedicated to modern Mannerism, this latest opening of six “Yellow Rooms” numbered 95 to 100 marks an important stage in the completion of the work of the New Uffizi project. All of these new halls mark the renovation and renewal of the first floor Western wing of the Vasari complex with updated climate control and security measures.
You can reach the new halls from either Halls 91 or 93, after you’ve passed Caravaggio’s works. The new halls are organized by subject rather than by artist or chronological order, offering allegories, still lifes, landscapes, portraits and other themes by artists such as Justus Suttermans, Jacopo Chimenti called “Empoli”, Giovanni Bilivert and many more. The most significant works have a yellow panel behind them that recalls the splendor of baroque tapestries, and thus the nickname to the rooms.
Structural work was carried out in the ceiling voltas of two rooms, thus consolidating the floor foundations of the rooms above. The completion also marks the opening of two sites under work on the second floor, the old halls where Michelangelo’s and Tiziano’s work used to be in which the gallery hopes to reopen by mid-2014.
These halls used to house the Archives of the Uffizi until 1988 and then used for temporary exhibitions. With this restructuring and renovation, the Uffizi Gallery not only adds more space to the permanent collections, but continues the renovation of the 15th-century Uffizi palazzo toward the modern environment the millions of visitors that visit its magnificent collections would expect.