The Uffizi During the Holidays

By pure fortunate coincidence, visitors to the Uffizi Gallery this holiday period (up until January 6, 2015), will have the chance to admire the masterpieces of the museum’s permanent collection but also 3 additional exhibits!
For this reason, it is best to remind everyone that during the holiday season, the Uffizi Gallery will closed only on December 25th and 29th and January 1st, with a special opening on January 5th.
These are the 3 current exhibits at the Uffizi that are part of your ticket:
– The Pure, Simple and Natural in Art in Florence Between the 16-17th centuries
Last days for the exhibition that was to end in November, extended until January 6.
– Amico Reconsidered: Drawings by Amico Aspertini and other Artists from Bologna
Until February 8th, in the Detti room in the Departments of Prints and Drawings within the Uffizi. What started as an online exhibit now allows the originals to be seen in this room, a selection of Amico’s 15th century drawings from the Department itself alongside those of a few contemporary artists from his own birth city to better understand the context in which he trained and worked in. With the use of his pen and diluted inks, colored pigments and white lead, Amico created broad strokes and outlines, vigorous crossed lines to create depth. You’ll be able to see Amico’s interest in the antique, his reflection of other masters of his time, including Michelangelo and Raphael, and the influence the circulation of prints from Germany had on his work.
– Ieri. I Musei (Yesterday, the Museums. A Historical Photograph Exhibit of Florence’s Museums from the Photographic Archive)
Along the walls of the Fireplace room, within the first floor of the Uffizi, you’ll find the photographic exhibit with views of museums from the turn of the 19th century. The Archive itself was founded in 1904, and some of the shots taken by staff from that office date back to this time. The exhibit documents how the museums have changed over 100 years, from how they have been set up to how they have promoted art and culute. We make note of a very special photograph: one from December 1913 that shows Leonardo da Vinci’s Monnalisa on exhibit at the Uffizi’s Self-Portraits Gallery two years after it was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris.

December 1913, brief exhibit of the Monnalisa in Florence after it was stolen from the Louvre in Paris
Enjoy your visit and Happy Holidays!