Free Admission For Everyone on these days in 2019

The Uffizi Gallery has set specific days on which it will have FREE entrance for everyone in 2019 to commemorate and honor special historical and traditional occasions, each accompanied with entertainment and other special offerings. Also note that it no longer will always be doing the “free first Sundays” throughout the year, just from October 2019 through March 2020.
Mark your calendars and check against your time in Florence to know whether you can visit the museum on these days.
Most importantly, keep in mind that you CANNOT book a ticket on these days and the Firenze Card will not give you priority access.
Days in 2019 with FREE entrance for all
Museum Week: from March 5 – 10, 2019 – this is a week that is being “reinstated” this year after a hiatus of a few years. The week will change every year, so don’t necessarily expect it to occur in March each year.
March 24 – the eve of the Florentine New Year, as well as the birth of Francesco I de’ Medici in 1541, considered “founder” of the Uffizi Gallery as a museum and research space. The day being offered a day early, since the actual day of (03.25) is a normal closing day.
May 26 – Commemoration of the Georgofili Terrorist Bombing of the Uffizi also a day early since the day of the actual event (05.27) is a day of closure for the museum. The car bombing by the Mafia took place in 1993, the event seeks to underscore the Importance of Legality in our world.
June 2 – Day of the Republic for all of Italy
June 23 – Again, this is on the eve of St. John the Baptist’s Feast Day, patron saint for Florence, considering the 24th is a day the museum is usually closed.
August 11 – this is a particular one tied to the Uffizi: to remember that on the 12th of August 1762 there was a huge fire that destroyed part of the museum, including many works of art.
October 11 – the two dates in October are dedicated to women, the first is dedicated to Vittoria della Rovere, the last descendant of the Dukes of Urbino dynasty, wife to Francesco II and the 5th Grand Duchess of Tuscany on the day of her arrival to Florence.
October 31 – in commemoration of the “Family Pact” signed by Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, last descendant of the Medici family, who left the family’s vast collections of art to Florence and Tuscany.
November 6 – to celebrate the birthday of Leopold de’ Medici (born in 1617), Cardinal and a man of culture and science, passionate collector who contributed greatly during his lifetime to increasing the Medici collections, which today are part of the museum.
First Sundays of the Month
The First Sundays of the month will only be offered between October 2019 and March 2020, therefore, on these dates:
October 6, 2019
November 3, 2019
December 1, 2019
January 5, 2020
February 2, 2020
March 1, 2020