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Artwork Undergoing Restoration or On Loan: Fall 2011-Spring 2012


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Hall 7: Early Renaissance
Paolo Uccello
Battle of San Romano


Caravaggio Hall
Issac’s Sacrifice

  • estimated date of return: after January 9, 2012
    exhibit: Caravaggio and his circle in Rome: a barbaric and brutal manner – Otawa/Texas


Hall 10-14: Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli
Allegoria della Calunnia

Hall 45: 17th Century Italian and European Painters
Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as il Canaletto
View of Palazzo Ducale in Venice

  • estimated date of return: after January 10, 2012
    exhibit:La bella Italia. Arte e identità delle città capitali – Torino/Firenze


Hall 5-6: International Gothic
Madonna of Humility

Hall 23: Mantegna and Correggio
Melzi Francesco

  • estimated date of return: after January 10, 2012
    exhibit: Svegliando l’animo di molti e belle imprese. Il primato dei toscani nelle “Vite” del Vasari – Arezzo


Hall 26: Raffaello and Andrea del Sarto

Raphael, attr.
Virile Portrait said to be Perugino

  • estimated date of return: after March 19, 2012
    exhibit: The Portrait in Renaissance Italy from Masaccio to Bellini – Berlino/New York


Hall 35: Barocci and Tuscan Countereforms

Giorgio Vasari
Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent

Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Bronzino
Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi

Giorgio Vasari
The Prophet Elijah

Giorgio Vasari
Allegory of the Conception

  • estimated date of return: after October 31, 2011
    exhibit: Vasari, the Uffizi and the Duke – Firenze