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Gleam of Gold: International Gothic in Florence


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Paolo Uccello's Battle of San Romano - recently restored

Gleam of Gold: International Gothic in Florence – 1375-1440
June 19 – November 4

A beautiful and quite golden exhibition is currently underway at the Uffizi Gallery focusing on the artistic period between 1375-1440 often known as “gothic style”.

The Uffizi has several permanent exhibition rooms already dedicated to this period on the second floor – thus the exhibit starts there (rooms 4-5-6) before continuing on to the Early Renaissance. The exhibition then continues on the first floor, in the section following the recently opened Red Rooms dedicated to all temporary exhibits.

To recapture the sophisticated and highly polished mood of that long ago season, paintings famous for centuries are set alongside others which are less well-known to the public at large but no less beautiful.

The exhibition sets out to illustrate a uniquely varied and multifaceted period in the history of art.

The exhibit offers visitors the chance to admire wood and marble sculpture, manuscripts, sacred and profane works of art of the highest quality and of high historical importance on loan from prestigious museums and private collections in Italy and abroad brought together for the first time for this exhibition.

Visitors can admire work of the greatest artists from the late 14th century, including masters such as Agnolo Gaddi, Spinello Aretino, Antonio Veneziano, Gherardo Starnina, Lorenzo Monaco and Gentile da Fabriano as well as Lorenzo Ghiberti and Fra Angelico.

Others not as widely known but whose works on display will show their excellence include: Lippo d’Andrea, Mariotto di Cristofano, Giovanni Toscani, Ventura di Moro, Francesco d’Antonio and Arcangelo di Cola.

The exhibition ends with Paolo Uccello’s Battle of San Romano, on display here for the first time since its recent restoration. According to the exhibit curator Antonio Natali, the Battle of San Romano “provides the visitor with a wonderful synthesis of the intellectual and spiritual complexity of a unique era in Florentine art, when mathematical stringency and ethereal flights of fancy lived side by side, even crossing paths on occasion”.

We hope you’ll enjoy admiring these flights of fancy and innovation in the masterpieces of art created in this special period of early Florentine art.