Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Renovation works to completely revamp Halls 10-14, called the Botticelli rooms, have just been completed and a reopening of the Botticelli halls is planned for Tuesday, October 18th. A whole new setting and exposition of the works has been projected. Over the next weeks, the work of preparing the room for the return of the […]

The Uffizi Gallery just announced that it will have a special opening on MONDAY, August 15th, day of the week when the museum is usually closed and this year also a national holiday. On “ferragosto”, the museum will be open with normal hours, from 8.15am to 6.50pm. Last entry that can be reserved will be […]

News just sent out by the director’s office of the Gallerie degli Uffizi is that the Vasari Corridor is, effective immediately, closed to visits to all groups. This after an order by the Provincial Command of the Fire Department was issued after an on-site visit by officials of the Fire Department to ascertain the security […]

Up until September 27th, the Uffizi Gallery has organized longer openings hours every Tuesday while it offers a Festival of the Performing Arts called “Uffizi Live“. The summer festival includes theater, dance and musical shows and concerts within the Uffizi’s rooms between 7pm and 10pm on these Tuesdays. Visitors will thus have an extra plus […]

Have you seen that the Uffizi is currently hosting the exhibition dedicated to painted wooden sculpture of the 15th century, called “He Made Sculpture out of Wood and Colored It”? Make sure you stop by during your visit, because it is really quite breathtaking! In addition to a simple stop, if you’re at the museum […]

On Saturday, May 21st, the Uffizi Gallery will participate in the Europe-wide initiative of “Night at the Museum” and have a special opening in the evening, staying open from 7 to 10pm. Entrance will be a symbolic 1 euro (except for cases in which entrance is free). Note that it will not be possible to […]

Starting May 31st and continuing through the summer until September 27th 2016, the Uffizi Gallery will have prolonged opening hours every Tuesday evening. From 7pm until 10pm, the museum will also organize special events connected to works of art in the museum for these special openings which will include music, literature, dance or theater. A […]

The Uffizi Gallery has just announced that it will have two special openings on Mondays coming up. The first is on Monday, April 25th, on Italy’s National Liberation Day (a national holiday). The second is on Monday, May 2nd. Opening hours will follow normal times, from 8.15am to 6.50pm. The museum will be CLOSED on […]

The special opening on Easter Monday for the Uffizi Gallery has been confirmed for March 28, 2016. The museum will also be open on Easter Sunday. The Uffizi will be open on both days from 8.15am to 6.50pm. In addition, the Boboli Gardens, Silver Museum and Costume Gallery, all part of the Pitti Palace museum complex […]

New director for the Galleries of the Uffizi, Eike Schmidt, has offered remarks on his proposed plans for opening the Vasari Corridor to the general public and moving the self-portrait collection from the Corridor, in order to answer doubts raised about the plans for the Vasari Corridor. First, you should know that the Vasari Corridor, […]