
Hall 8 – Filippo Lippi

This room is dedicated to one of the protagonists of the early Renaissance: Filippo Lippi.

A real character, friar for long time and lover of the nun Lucrezia Buti who returned his love until the renunciation of their religious vows, father of another great artist (Filippino Lippi), first master of Sandro Botticelli, Filippo is one of the most important painters of the XV century.

In this room are displayed beautiful works by Lippi, such as the Pala del Noviziato altarpiece (c. 1445), the magnificent Coronation of the Virgin (c. 1439-1447), or the lovely Madonna with Child and two angels (c. 1465), where Holy Mary is told to be the portrait of his beloved Lucretia, mother of his two children.

Slender and elegant figures, swirling clothes and streaming hair, strong attention to the drawing and the outline, are all Lippi’s features that will influence Sandro Botticelli’s style.

The maker of the “Birth of Venus” was a close friend and collaborator of Lippi’s son, Filippino, who was also a brilliant artist. Filippino is also present in this room, with some wonderful works including the beautiful and vibrant Adoration of the Magi (signed and dated 1496).

Another masterpiece here displayed is the famous Diptych of the Duchess and Duke of Urbino (c.1472) by the great artist Piero della Francesca. The precision of the details and the crystal-clear landscape fading towards the distant hills and the horizons are incredibly realistic.